CLAYSS was honoured to be invited to the “Reconocimiento a Aliados y Socios Territoriales Horizontes [Recognition of Horizontes Allies and Territorial Partners]” ceremony on 11th June in Lima, Peru. This event marked the closing of the Horizontes-UNESCO Programme for Rural Secondary Education.
Held in a hybrid format, the Third National Meeting of the Network of Horizontes Local Educational Management Units brought together those involved in the project over the last five years.
Daniel Alfaro, the Minister of Education of Peru when the Horizontes programme began (2019), and Patricia Correa, coordinator of the Horizontes-UNESCO team, participated with recorded videos for the occasion. On the other hand, Yomara Alonso, a representative of the UNESCO Office in Peru, and Martín Vegas, a professor at the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University (UARM), participated in person.
Professor Vegas expressed his special thanks for the specifically acknowledged CLAYSS’ participation and contribution to the entire development of the Horizontes programme, from the solidarity service-learning view.
The CLAYSS team was represented by Gerardo Bridi, an active participant in the solidarity service learning programme in Peru (coordinated by Elena Massat), and Pablo Buján, coordinator of the Solidarity Service Learning in the Arts programme.
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