CLAYSS at the 20th CNEP Congress in Mexico

As part of the 20th Congress organized by CNEP (the National Confederation of Private Schools in México), María Gabriela Malacrida (CLAYSS) gave a lecture on solidarity service-learning as a powerful pedagogy to re-signify school knowledge by addressing community demands. The theme of this year’s congress entitled ‘Diálogos en comunidad: escuelas construyendo futuros [Dialogues in community: schools building futures]’.

The event addressed the challenges of the new Mexican educational reform, which proposes strengthening ties between school and community as one of the keys to curricular change and solidarity service-learning as a privileged approach to make it happen. The congress brought together more than 800 teachers from Guanajuato and featured other prominent speakers of international renown.

During her visit, Gabriela also visited the Universidad de Anáhuac México Campus Norte, where professors and authorities already know CLAYSS through their participation in training courses and the International Service-Learning Conference in Buenos Aires. Concluding the tour, the Institutionalization Committee made up of the Directorate of Education Quality — responsible for teacher training, curriculum guidance, projects and practice areas— and the Directorate of Engagement and Voluntary Service shared their progress in the institutionalization process of solidarity service-learning (SSL). In the afternoon, the ‘Course for Leaders for the SSL Institutionalization’ was brought to a close, with participants from this university and educators from Spain, Chile and other Mexican regions joining by Zoom.

Gabriela was interviewed on the University radio station. You can watch and listen to her interview on SSL here [in Spanish]: