Service-Learning Never Stops!

December and January are not only a time to celebrate the holidays or take a break in some countries but also to continue our work with colleagues, students and educators in different regions of the world: service-learning never stops!

On 9th and 10th January, a course for authorities and educators on service-learning was held at the Universidad Central de Chile, led by our executive director, Enrique Ochoa. Over 50 participants from various higher education institutions attended the training in person, and another 30 joined virtually.

On 11th January, the International Service-Learning Conference “Integrando el compromiso cívico en la educación superior [Integrating Civic Engagement in Higher Education]” was held, also organized by the Universidad Central with the support of the higher education network in Chile, Red de Vinculación con el Medio, and the participation of REASE, the Chilean service-learning network. The conference had more than 80 participants, and Enrique Ochoa delivered the welcome speech.

María Rosa Tapia, coordinator of the Uniservitate programme, and Enrique Ochoa, executive director of CLAYSS, travelled to Rome in mid-January to attend the meeting of rectors “The University and the Church: The Future of the Catholic University” organized by FIUC  —which is celebrating its 100th anniversary— in that city. They also began preparations for the next Uniservitate Global Symposium, to be held there in October 2024 in collaboration with LUMSA